How To Quit Porn
The Key to Breaking Addictions
I spoke about this topic on my YouTube channel in the video where I discuss how to quit porn. If you haven’t seen that video I urge you to go check it out.
I strongly believe that porn addiction is one of the most common addictions of young men in the entire world. The internet has made the porn industry a giant when it comes to mainstream media. Pornstars are seen as idols by the majority of the population. We really have fallen as a society when it comes to morals and discipline.
Many people are under the impression that consuming this porn is free and that there are no long-lasting effects. I am here to tell you that this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Nothing is Free
It takes a wise man to realize that even if something says it is “free”, it isn’t.
“Nothing comes free. Nothing. Not even good, especially not good.” - Lyndon B. Johnson
Let this newsletter serve as a guide to quitting porn. And if you already have, good for you. You are already in the top percentile of young men out there in the world.
Many videos, websites, articles, therapists, etc. will tell you to block out whatever it is that you are addicted to. I am using porn as the addiction in this newsletter so that you can get a better idea.
So what happens when you try to block out visiting a porn website?
It doesn’t work. You may stay off of it for a number of hours or days, but you always end up reverting back to your old ways. This is because you are running from the problem. You are hiding from your addiction instead of facing it head-on. You are a coward.
This is how you can change all of that:
I want you to go to a porn website and force yourself to watch a video. Yes, you heard me correctly. Go to a porn website and click on a video that captures your attention. I then want you to watch this video without touching yourself.
I know this sounds crazy and it is going to feel weird, but this is the only way to get you to see porn for what it truly is…
A Business.
Porn sites, social media, and mainstream media all want you to jerk-off. Why else would they throw all these models on your feed? Why else would they make the top artists in the world women with low vocal quality that just shake their asses in all their music videos?
The truth is that this is the SYSTEM. They want you to constantly and consistently jerk-off so that you are a weak, empty, shell of a man.
Because when you are weak, you can’t accomplish or change anything. You can’t make the world a better place. You can’t make something of yourself. You can’t influence anybody else because nobody looks up to you.
See the Truth | Become a Rebel
“The truth will set you free.” - Unknown
Remember how I stated before how you will see porn for what it truly is? This is seeing the truth. This is understanding that the people in power want you to jerk-off.
Do you want them to get their way? Do you want to make some rich asshole who doesn’t give a shit about you happy?
You can answer those questions yourself, but in my case I say fuck that. If I am going to live my life it is going to be by my rules and my rules only.
You need to become a rebel in order to fight against the system. Forget everything you know or that you think you know. In order to become better, to become someone who doesn’t jerk-off to pixels 5 times a week, you need to view everything from a different perspective.
Every time you see an instagram model pop-up in your feed or some snapchat highlight with an obvious picture as the cover, you need to understand what it is trying to make you do.
And then you need to resist and say:
“fuck that! I’m stronger than my urges and what the people in power want for me!” - You
This is how you face your addictions head-on.
No more hiding.
No more running.
No more lying to yourself.
It’s time to become more than what the puppet masters want for you…
Guys, until next Sunday…